specifically for artistic work look at Das Vegas portfolio: www.DasVegas.net


NEWS, events and exhibitions

Price Matter, performed at Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden;

ArtTech Forum, ArtTech Foundation, Innovation Park, Lausanne, Switzerland;

Art Vilnius contemporary art fair, 2-4 October 2020, Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO, Vilnius, Lithuania;

Economia - The Limited Edition, Baltan Laboratories conference and exhibition, 10-11 September 2020, Eindhoven, The Netherlands;

Supernova, We Can Be Heroes group exhibition, Klaipeda City Exhibition Hall, 04 09 - 04 10 2020, Klaipeda, Lithuania;

Online exhibition the Christmas sales Exhibition RESTITUTIO both on eBay and Facebook Marketplace;

“2019.10” exhibition and performance, SLA art space, Chelsea, New York City, US;

Art_Value: Network exhibition and auction, Post gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania;

Art_Value: Network artist talk and auction, Kogo gallery, Tartu, Estonia;

The 4th Open Fields conference on Artistic Research, Science and Technologies and 
 RIXC Art Science Festival 2019, Un/Green: Naturally Artificial Intelligence, National Museum of Art of Latvia, July 4-7, 2019, Riga, Latvia;

Art_Value: Network at Free Riga - Tallinn Street quarter gallery, Riga, Latvia;

Art_Value: Restitutio. Online exhibition on Ebay;

Pa¥ Attention, Sp€nd Time, Inve$t Thought, at Svarta Havet, Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, Sweden;

Migration: Traces in an Art Collection, Tensta Konsthall, Tensta, Sweden;

Geomedia 2019, Revisiting the Home, 7-10 May 2019, Karlstad, Sweden;

"The eBay Restitutio" exhibition and sales start now! Get your artwork from the series "Restitutio Ad Integrum" on eBay.com. The personal receipt data is shared with you.

Non-devised Matters, screening of digitalized premier Lithuanian video art collection at Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2018.

FILE 2018 - Electronic Language Internation Festival, Disruptiva, SESI Gallery / FIESP Ruth Cardoso Cultural Center, from July 03 to August 08, São Paulo, Brazil.

Reactivated annual project "Art_Value: 2% Support" for Lithuanian citizens to donate their 2% of taxes and support artist and art production - www.MenoVerte.lt (Meno Verte means Art Value).

Enter'16 media art festival, „InterActions“ (curator Virginijus Kinčinaitis) vernissage 2018 04 27, 17:00, Šiauliai city art gallery, Lithuania.

Solo exhibition "Interpretative Digitality", 2018 04 12, at R1-Reactor Hall, Stockholm, Sweden.

PhD thesis defence "Humanizing Technology through Post-digital Art", KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, 2018 04 12 from 13:00 at R1-Reactor Hall, Stockholm, Sweden.

"Beyond Convergence" exhibition at Kulturhuset / House of Culture Stockholm, 2018 02 20, Stockholm, Sweden.

Consider to submit your art project! Curator/chair of Arts Track at TEI 2018 conference - International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions with a theme on the post-digital condition, Stockholm, Sweden.

Framework Radio edition framework:afield.

Bio-creation & peace, ISEA 2017, 23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art & 16th International Image Festival, Manizales, Colombia, 2017.

You are invited to check my pictorial on the Broken Panorama at DIS 2017 (Designing Interactive Systems) conference - Place, Space and Interface - in Edinburgh, Scotland.

ArtVilnius'17, 8th International Contemporary Art Fair, June 8–11, 2017, both the curated exhibition "Takas" (the Path) and the booth with Panevezys City Art Gallery at Exhibition and Congress Centre Litexpo, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Art_Value project presented in Gallery Weekend Kaunas, the Art Bank, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Šiauliai art gallery, "Valuation" solo exhibition, vernissage on the 11th of May, exhibition lasts till the 3rd of June, Šiauliai, Lithuania.

In "Art_Value: 2% Support" project Lithuanian people by donating their 2% of taxes can support artist and art production - www.MenoVerte.lt (Meno Verte means Art Value).

Check the Video Showcase screening at ACM CHI 2017 conference, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO, US, May 6-11, 2017, and enjoy the Delete by Haiku film.

Solo exhibition "Frozen Fraction" in the Reactor Hall, R1, Stockholm, Sweden, vernissage 28th of April.

You are invited to see my film in the conference and exhibition of Mobile Life, vernissage 2017 03 31, Stockholm, Sweden.

Wanna see the Father's Footsteps movie? Join the screening on the 16th of February in the Sts. Peter and Paul church in Omaha, NE, US.

Join me to the Open Fields exhibition & conference, taking place in Riga, Latvia, September 29 – November 6, 2016, in the framework of RIXC Art Science festival.

Impulses. The New Sound Days, Architecture and Media Centre H2O_6, Riga, Latvia.

Live Cinema Festival that takes place from 7th to 11th September 2016 at MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, Italy.

"Monitors" exhibition of interdisciplinary project Archmediale, gallery „Nulinis laipsnis“ (the Power of Zero art space (_0*)), Vilnius Gallery Weekend, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Let's meet at 4S/EASST 2016 conference: Science and Technology by Other Means. Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Artistic Research: Authorship as a Lens in Technology and the Arts, Barcelona, Spain.

Welcome to visit MANIFESTA 11, THE EUROPEAN BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART ZURICH, SWITZERLAND and check my "Art_Value: Auction" performance in Cabaret der Künstler – Zunfthaus Voltaire. See you there on the 27th of August 2016!

Archmediale starts with the project "S T R A T I C Space" in the Power of Zero art space (_0*) - an independent platform for architectural culture and criticism, exhibition opening 4th of August and lasts for a month, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Meet me and participate in "Art_Value: Market" project in different marketplaces in Vilnius district: Halės market, Gariūnai, Kalvarijos street market, Aukštadvaris town flea-market and others. Weekends of August 2016 in Lithuania.

Come to acquire and create an artwork! "Art_Value: Auction" is performed at The Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association art space - Sodu 4 in Vilnius, Lithuania, opening July 28, 2016.

Come to Brazil to check STRATA film at FILE - Electronic Language International Festival - Fiesp Cultural Center, São Paulo, Brazil.

The projection on the building FIESP / Gallery digital SESI-SP at FILE LED SHOW 2016, São Paulo, Brazil.

"Panorama Time" at the Science of the Unseen: Digital Art Perspectives, an exhibition of the Digital Arts Community of ACM SIGGRAPH conference, Anaheim, California, US, 2016.

Artist Talk and S T R A T I C performance at ISEA 2016, 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Art, Hong Kong 香港 Cultural R>evolution, May/16-22/2016.

The S T R A T I C will perform at Interactivity exhibition at CHI 2016 in San Jose, California. May 7-12, 2016.

"Delete by Haiku" will be presented at CHI 2016 in San Jose, California. The paper "Repurposing Bits and Pieces of the Digital" has received a Honorable Mention for the Art Paper award.

STRATA is exhibited at Future Identities, International Video Art Festival, University of Kent, Kent, UK.

Dual Identity, a group exhibition curated by Vygandas Simbelis, 2016-01-23 - 2016-04-04. Residence of Lithuania in Stockholm, Sweden.

2016-01-22 and 23 - S T R A T I C performs at Art's Birthday in Södra Teatern in Stockholm, Sweden.

2016-01-21 S T R A T I C on show at Dome of Visions in Stockholm, Sweden. Fragmented “digital painting” projections on the snow and illumination of the dome.

Find S T R A T I C performing at ACE 2016 in Medini, Iskandar, Malaysia.

You will also find me presenting at 4S in Denver, Colorado, US. The Reflexive Turn in Art and Science Studies: Art and Science: Curation and Performativity as Engagement, "Metaphone: Exploring Control in Interactive Art Settings".

Visit RIXC conference RENEWABLE FUTURES 2015 and check my presentation on Fault Aesthetics in Riga, Latvia.

Let's do field recordings and sonic explorations, perform to rocks and for reindeers in Finnish Lapland, at HYBRID MATTERs field_notes field laboratory.


The artist's complete oeuvre starts in 1996 and covers more than 150 selected expositions.

Artist: Das Vegas Artist
art exhibitions list